Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Gluten Free Friendly Restaurants Intro

One of the frustrations and difficulties that I faced when I was diagnosed with Celiac Sprue was eating out at restaurants. You think that you might be safe eating certain things on the regular menu, but you have to confirm with the wait staff (who then has to confer with the cook/chef) how things are prepared, seasoned, marinated, cooked (e.g. Is that cooked in the same oil as the onion rings or other gluten containing foods or on the same surface/pan as other gluten containing foods?), plated, etc. The list goes on and on...or so it seems.

Eventually you get things down and learn to look at menus a different way and what questions to ask, but wouldn't it be GREAT if you could just order off of a menu again and know that it was safe for you to eat? In the Gluten Free Friendly Restaurants section of the Sans Gluten blog, I will feature restaurants that provide gluten free menus, as well as restaurants where a gluten free menu may not be available, but I have asked the questions and experienced good gluten free food.

Disclaimer: Ingredients, preparation techniques, menus items, etc. may change at restaurants without notice, therefore you must ask questions, request a gluten free menu, and/or read labels to confirm that the food you order is gluten free every time you visit the restaurant.

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